Herding electrons and launching radio waves!
About W7KF
I was born in Montana in the early 1950's. The next significant event was getting my Novice license (WN7DMA) in 1965. Then, my General (WA7DMA) in 1966 and, according to the incentive licensing rules in play at the time, my Extra in 1968. Sometime in the 1980s my call changed to NG7C. And, finally, in the early part of this century I became W7KF.
The 1970's I was a DJ (Doc Holiday, Charlie Brown, etc.) on various Top-40 radio stations through out the western USA.
In the 1980's I moved into broadcast engineering, winding up my broadcast career as Chief Engineer of KING AM/FM in Seattle, WA. During my stay at KING I was infected with the software bug and became a software deveoper which is what I'm still doing today.
Occassionally, I feel the need for expanded horizons and so, from time to time, I serve as a Radio Officer aboard ships owned by the US Navy. This has led me to some interesting places during interesting times..
Contact W7KF
I do get an occasional email and some have expressed that it is difficult to find a means to contact me. My best advice is to keep an ear out around 7.025 MHz CW. I do call CQ from time to time.
Alternatively, you can send email to "doug" at this domain.
Or, here is my full email address in Morse Code: